A song about serial killers just in time for Halloween? That’s got one/no hit wonder written all over it, right?
‘Creep In The Night’ is the sonic equivalent of the protagonist in a slasher movie…
Whether it’s live or in the digital realm, Ojay have already shown they don’t mind pushing out the boat (whatever that means). ‘Creep In The Night’ is their second single post their second album after a reasonable period on hiatus, probably because they fell out over who ate the last brown M&M in the green room one night, or something equally important. So, why release this one now and risk having the song forever associated with being the one those nobodies from Perth put out at the end of October one year?
There’s only one proper answer to that question. Because it’s proper fucking good. ‘Creep In The Night’ has a single-note guitar hook that is so elastic you’d swear it was played on a rubber band. It’s got a brooding bass line the lads in the band said themselves could rival Louis Johnson and, having had the track on repeat now for x million minutes, who am I to disagree?
The song positively stalks the listener, it’s got a creepy, pearlescent groove that makes you want to run but keeps your feet firmly rooted in the dark back alley where it’s facing you down with a knife in its hand. ‘Creep In The Night’ is the sonic equivalent of the protagonist in a slasher movie, you know the one, the kid who’s all innocence and butter-wouldn’t-melt until they sidle right up next to you and slip the blade between your ribs.
Don’t bother trying to run. It’s OK, it’ll be a happy death and, when it’s all over ‘Creep In The Night’ will reanimate you so you can listen to it yet one more time. Screw Halloween, that’s just plastic pumpkins and cottonwool hanging off the raggedy ass bushes in suburban front yards. Ojay and ‘Creep In The Night’ will linger in your brain long after all that fakery has passed, because they’re the big city real deal.
