SGT. HULKAFEELIN’ FINE Kirsty Hulka, leader of Perth’s Sgt. Hulka, estimates her band is, “about quarter of the way to...
SGT. HULKAFEELIN’ FINE Kirsty Hulka, leader of Perth’s Sgt. Hulka, estimates her band is, “about quarter of the way to...
Around The Sound’s Andrea Thompson today announced the launch of the Around The Sound Learning Exchange, with the first event...
There comes a time in some musicians’ careers — after they’ve served whatever apprenticeships, paid their dues, hung tough and...
DR CUZ featuring NIKI NUMAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE Ever one for a colab, Perth’s Dr Cuz bunkered down...
RATSALADBENT TREES & SWANNY DEEZ In February this year I reviewed the new Kill Devil Hills album, MATANGO!, concluding by...
CERVIDAE MORTALISREGAN MCVEIGH Reviews are like funerals. While outwardly the ritual of that final send off logically seems to be...
THE KILL DEVIL HILLSMATANGO! Depending on your perspective, the Eyre Highway is the road either in or out of Western...
Saying, ‘yes’ to a review before listening to the music can be risky business. I mean, The Plum Trees’ Shannon,...
HELEN TOWNSENDMELBOURNE STREETS Listening to Fremantle/Walyalup Americana artist Helen Townsend’s latest single, ‘Melbourne Streets’, I’m already feeling a bit sentimental....
SHANNON SMITHI’M GONNA CHANGE The latest single from Shannon Smith, ‘I’m Gonna Change’, starts out with beats and a heartbroken...
They say never meet your idols. Having had the opportunity to meet a few over the years, I can say...
CRYSTAL MAXWELL‘CHERRY’ Crystal Maxwell is a liar. Her latest single, ‘Cherry’ closes on the refrain, I’ve got nothing to show....
RHYTHAI MILK TEA ‘Thai Milk Tea’ is the latest single from Perth/Boorloo producer and songwriter, RHY. As an artist who...
Mayatrix and the PsychicsBadlands 28 October 2023 Going-on NoiseI came out of retirement for this one. I’d quit reviewing live...
“I’m just a cis white woman,” said Jenna Hardie, the focal heart of Perth band Unicorn, when I asked her...
STRAKERBARLOW‘ALL YOUR PRETTY HORSES‘ Like most of what we do post-pandemic, Strakerbarlow, the solo project of Perth singer and songwriter,...
LINES OF CONVICTION‘OPEN HEARTS’ Busselton’s Lines Of Conviction are a band in that delicious stage of development when everything is...
SHANNON SMITHDANCE THE NIGHT AWAY (DO DO DO DO) If I tried to count the ways the world is currently...