SHANNON SMITH‘STARTED OFF WITH LIES’ It’s been a big year for Walyalup/Fremantle artist, Shannon Smith. New release, ‘Started Off With...
SHANNON SMITH‘STARTED OFF WITH LIES’ It’s been a big year for Walyalup/Fremantle artist, Shannon Smith. New release, ‘Started Off With...
SHANNON SMITHEVERY SINGLE DAY There are a couple of reasons why I write what some people would consider to be...
SHANNON SMITHVALENTINE’S DAY OK, Mr Smith, you got me. I mean, what can I say when the Hound Dog of...
SHANNON SMITHI’M GONNA CHANGE The latest single from Shannon Smith, ‘I’m Gonna Change’, starts out with beats and a heartbroken...
SHANNON SMITHDANCE THE NIGHT AWAY (DO DO DO DO) If I tried to count the ways the world is currently...