STRAKERBARLOW‘ALL YOUR PRETTY HORSES‘ Like most of what we do post-pandemic, Strakerbarlow, the solo project of Perth singer and songwriter,...
STRAKERBARLOW‘ALL YOUR PRETTY HORSES‘ Like most of what we do post-pandemic, Strakerbarlow, the solo project of Perth singer and songwriter,...
OJAY‘CREEP IN THE NIGHT’ A song about serial killers just in time for Halloween? That’s got one/no hit wonder written...
Did you hear the one about the Perth band that spent $15,000 recording a killer album but turned their noses...
LINES OF CONVICTION‘OPEN HEARTS’ Busselton’s Lines Of Conviction are a band in that delicious stage of development when everything is...
SHANNON SMITHDANCE THE NIGHT AWAY (DO DO DO DO) If I tried to count the ways the world is currently...
The single’s cover art is a photo of the Hollywood sign, you know the one, with palm trees in the...
Holly Norman is what happens when government doesn’t invest enough in the arts. Even though the arts, in particular music,...
I think I have to count Lindsay Rose as one of my most complex subjects. I came to meet the...
Anita Downes’ story should be a straightforward one. Woman writes songs. Woman plays songs. Audiences turn up to see her...
Sometimes music calls you to do things you thought you were done with. It’s one of the things I love...
This is a cautionary tale. You know that metal music with the screamo vocals where you have no chance of...
One of the early contenders for a piece on the reincarnated Around The Sound was Fran Veltman, who sent me...
THE SHORT Was born with shocking pink hair. Has a walk-in robe full of capes. Likes to lunch. Is far...
When your sparkle evades your soul / I’ll be at your side to console‘Geraldine’ Glasvegas THE SHORT SHIZ Played in...
It’s 7.17 Sunday morning. I should be having a second cup of tea and trying to explain one more time...