LEGS ELECTRIC TURN UP THE HEAT WITH NEW SINGLE, ‘VOLCANIC’ With the launch of their latest single, ‘Volcanic’, happening tonight...
LEGS ELECTRIC TURN UP THE HEAT WITH NEW SINGLE, ‘VOLCANIC’ With the launch of their latest single, ‘Volcanic’, happening tonight...
SHANNON SMITH‘STARTED OFF WITH LIES’ It’s been a big year for Walyalup/Fremantle artist, Shannon Smith. New release, ‘Started Off With...
ANGIE COLMAN‘OUT OF THE HEADLIGHTS’ Some songs take time. On first listen they leave you questioning, knowing you need to...
AUTUMN SAGE‘WHY?’ Some songs are instant. They dive straight under the skin and bristle hair follicles from the inside. They...
TANAYA HARPERTHEY HAVE BECOME ME The songs on Tanaya Harper’s debut album are as rich and textured as their creator....
POLLY‘SPIN’ The members of brand spanking new WA alt rock trio, Polly, have a lot of facial hair for a...
ANESU‘ROBIN HOOD’ ft LILPIXIE I’m going to make this all about me for a little minute. Don’t say you weren’t...
DR CUZ + WITH A ZEDVOODOO DOLL Hip hop stylings from Dr Cuz with mystery guest vocalist, With A Zed,...
THE REDUCTORSGRAPHIC NOVEL With their references to 60s garage, 70s punk, 80s gloom pop and everything in between, The Reductors...
DR CUZ AND THE GANGFUNKYLICIOUS With a resumé that includes producing music for the likes of Aswad and Loose Ends...
DOPAMINE SLOT MACHINESWIM As if he hadn’t already given the world enough happiness through his music, Boorloo/Perth musician and producer,...
SHANNON SMITHEVERY SINGLE DAY There are a couple of reasons why I write what some people would consider to be...
STITCHERDISTANT MIRAGE I didn’t know it was possible for a band to sound like The Offspring and Led Zeppelin in...
SUFFER THE EVENUEVOL. 2 SUPERDEADER Zali, the more sensitive of my two dogs, is sitting under my table while I’m...
I have never felt unsafe in a Boorloo or Walyalup live music venue. Until tonight when I attempted to attend...
AMMIFYLOST, NOT HIDING Music for a film? That’s the aspiration.Music from a film? That’s what they’re hoping for.But, what about...
EASY JEAN‘I’M ALRIGHT‘ With its motorick beat and Kraftwerk synths, ‘I’m Alright’, the new single from Walyalup supergroup, Easy Jean,...
HELEN TOWNSENDBABY COME HOME ‘Baby Come Home’, the latest single from Walyalup/Fremantle’s finest Americana artist, Helen Townsend, is the sound...
SGT. HULKAFEELIN’ FINE Kirsty Hulka, leader of Perth’s Sgt. Hulka, estimates her band is, “about quarter of the way to...
Around The Sound’s Andrea Thompson today announced the launch of the Around The Sound Learning Exchange, with the first event...
There comes a time in some musicians’ careers — after they’ve served whatever apprenticeships, paid their dues, hung tough and...
In recent days I have signalled that I am stepping back from the gender war I declared on the government...
DR CUZ featuring NIKI NUMAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE Ever one for a colab, Perth’s Dr Cuz bunkered down...
RATSALADBENT TREES & SWANNY DEEZ In February this year I reviewed the new Kill Devil Hills album, MATANGO!, concluding by...
CERVIDAE MORTALISREGAN MCVEIGH Reviews are like funerals. While outwardly the ritual of that final send off logically seems to be...
Currently I am avoiding doing the final edits on my first novel, Geraldine, due to be published early next year....
UNICORN w MYTHS AND CURLEYMOJOS 23 FEBRUARY PRELUDEI should have sensed something was wrong when I drove past the venue...
THE KILL DEVIL HILLSMATANGO! Depending on your perspective, the Eyre Highway is the road either in or out of Western...
Saying, ‘yes’ to a review before listening to the music can be risky business. I mean, The Plum Trees’ Shannon,...
CECILIAMOJOS 3 FEB 2024 This is as much a personal reflection as it is a review. I have skin in...
SHANNON SMITHVALENTINE’S DAY OK, Mr Smith, you got me. I mean, what can I say when the Hound Dog of...
HELEN TOWNSENDMELBOURNE STREETS Listening to Fremantle/Walyalup Americana artist Helen Townsend’s latest single, ‘Melbourne Streets’, I’m already feeling a bit sentimental....
I don’t want to be transgender anymore. I want to live in a post-trans world and get beyond the idea...
They pulled up in front of the stately home in an old Cadillac, the paintwork faded and patchy, tailfins still...
PRIMROSE PATHBADLANDS, 21 DECEMBER 2023 In Perth, actually writing about music has never been a thing as far as I...
Sunday 17th December, 90’s oz rock legends, DEF FX hit Australia’s west coast for the first time since 1996 to kick off the closing week for...
SHANNON SMITHI’M GONNA CHANGE The latest single from Shannon Smith, ‘I’m Gonna Change’, starts out with beats and a heartbroken...
They say never meet your idols. Having had the opportunity to meet a few over the years, I can say...
NEW TALK, Badlands 2 December 2023With Yomi Ship, Klaude and Puke Tonight the Batcave wobbled and time warped like it...
Earlier this week, I wrote about steps The Bird is taking to keep its doors open. This was another of...
As another of Perth’s live music venues faces an uncertain future, it’s time for a moment of reflection and then...
CRYSTAL MAXWELL‘CHERRY’ Crystal Maxwell is a liar. Her latest single, ‘Cherry’ closes on the refrain, I’ve got nothing to show....
Recently I attended protest rallies organised by Queer Liberation Boorloo aimed at prompting the State Government to live up to...
RHYTHAI MILK TEA ‘Thai Milk Tea’ is the latest single from Perth/Boorloo producer and songwriter, RHY. As an artist who...
HELEN TOWNSEND – BATTLEFIELD ‘Battlefield’ is the second single from Walyalup/Fremantle Americana artist, Helen Townsend’s, upcoming album. Following closely behind...
In my darker moments, I wonder why anyone would want to be part of one of society’s smallest and most...
Mayatrix and the PsychicsBadlands 28 October 2023 Going-on NoiseI came out of retirement for this one. I’d quit reviewing live...
“I’m just a cis white woman,” said Jenna Hardie, the focal heart of Perth band Unicorn, when I asked her...
Based on my own experience, I would have to say that sitting in front of a blank screen trying start...
STRAKERBARLOW‘ALL YOUR PRETTY HORSES‘ Like most of what we do post-pandemic, Strakerbarlow, the solo project of Perth singer and songwriter,...
OJAY‘CREEP IN THE NIGHT’ A song about serial killers just in time for Halloween? That’s got one/no hit wonder written...
Did you hear the one about the Perth band that spent $15,000 recording a killer album but turned their noses...
LINES OF CONVICTION‘OPEN HEARTS’ Busselton’s Lines Of Conviction are a band in that delicious stage of development when everything is...
SHANNON SMITHDANCE THE NIGHT AWAY (DO DO DO DO) If I tried to count the ways the world is currently...
First, I blew them off. They asked me for a review and I said no. Then, I offered them a...
The single’s cover art is a photo of the Hollywood sign, you know the one, with palm trees in the...
One of the things that keeps me in the game as an old woman in a young person’s industry is...
Following up the release of her debut single, ‘Mind Reader’, Perth artist Jade Rich has just released her new offering,...
Holly Norman is what happens when government doesn’t invest enough in the arts. Even though the arts, in particular music,...
Studying music in his final year of high school, Josh Terlick was in a class of three. Given how teachers...
I think I have to count Lindsay Rose as one of my most complex subjects. I came to meet the...
We’d arranged to meet at Picabar, but when I arrived he was standing outside looking like he’d been there for...
When I came out as a transgender woman publicly on 1 March 2021, I had no thought for the proximity...
Anita Downes’ story should be a straightforward one. Woman writes songs. Woman plays songs. Audiences turn up to see her...
Over the years, I have occasionally strayed into speculating on what success looks like in the WA music industry. When...
Sometimes music calls you to do things you thought you were done with. It’s one of the things I love...
This is a cautionary tale. You know that metal music with the screamo vocals where you have no chance of...
According to the person with the Facebook profile, Wayne Walt-Jabsco, Around The Sound and, by default me, have a ‘known...
One of the early contenders for a piece on the reincarnated Around The Sound was Fran Veltman, who sent me...
THE SHORT Was born with shocking pink hair. Has a walk-in robe full of capes. Likes to lunch. Is far...